Monday 22 September 2008

remember of the fever

do you remember about my post talking about our fever (me and riri) it was about band called One Night Only.

we lost our fever,they're lost NGAHA no no ga beneran ilang kok, cuma we like never get too exited to know about them, Riri is not a stalker anymore so godbless you ri. She is not a stalker anymore because she lost alllll offfffffff information about them esp. George. NAHA, Dan and George have deleted their myspace except the band's myspace. Ya udahlah jadi no more stalkering, tapi jadi keinget hebohnya kita dulu, sekarang udah ga heboh heboh amat, udah fotonya susah, apalagi informasi dan gosip, yeah like a paparazzi we used to know (HA MAKSA). we want our fever baaaaaaaaack!

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