Sunday 21 September 2008


for biology presentation i get Zooflagelata wich is a kind of Monera Kingdom and that name interesting!

Zooflagelata is monera which similar to animals if i'm not mistaken,so it's named ZOOflagelata just in my opinion,i haven't read the book yet. So wtf i write this blog talking about of zooflagelata? jeah i don't know either, yeah i'm writting this post at 22.54 to waste my time,mommy keep talk to me loudly that i have to go to bed ASAP,okay mom 6 minutes from now ya biar bulet jadi jam 11. Oh hotdang, tomorrow is monday so i'm going to meet studenteater called ibu jeger. i'll keep writting this post until what i'm going to write next? ......................... 22.57 now...........ahha still counting days to lebaran, 22.58............i have a homework that i haven't done yet ............ so i will do it soon .....soon.....tomorrow HA! ..... 22.59 .... okay one minute left baby so i'll tell you about my experience in my fasting day when i went to blitz and i smelled my baby nachos and popcorn caramel... it was so terrible,don't do that.........23.00! BYE BYE BUDDY! oh yeah Zooflagelata still an interesting name doesn't it?

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