Wednesday 15 April 2009


SO, I've watched the True Blood series and I'm reading the book. The book titled Dead Until Dark released in 2001 and the TV Series in September 2008. I realized that Dead Until Dark is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo similar with Twilight Novel, well Dead Until Dark is older than Twilight.... The plot is really same, a girl fall in love with the vampire, she has a friend which is her close guyfriend, her family was broken, there are 3 vampires which are the enemies of her lover, and similar plot between Dead Until Dark and New Moon where the vampire leave her for several time and she is getting closer with her close guyfriend. The difference are :
1. The Vampire is in 30 years old body not 17
2. The Girl is 25 years old
3. The Vampire's eyes are not gold
4. The Girl's close guyfriend is not a werewolf, but a shapeshifter
5. The Vampires are not vegan, they drink blood, or synthetic blood
6. The Vampire is not that handsome but sooooooooooooo cool and charming
7. Different in name for sure

overall, i think Dead Until Dark is better because the story doesn't tell about love love love love love love too much. Well, Dead Until Dark more thriller and sadist, blood is everywhere.


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