Saturday 16 May 2009

Random Weekends.

SO SO, gatau mau ngapain weekends at least akhirnya gue beli dvd sekitar 16 biji. 11 diantaranya dvd Grey's Anatomy yeah akhirnya beli juga. MINGGU DEPAN HARI KAMIS LIBUR JADI GUA BISA NONTON AMERICAN IDOL YEAHHHHHHHH, SEMOGA KRIS ALLEN YANG MENAAAAAAAANG, jangan adam deh......................he disgusts me with his falseto scream and feminine body language so Kris is the contender! btw, Kris sang 'Heartless' by Kanye West, and it was BRILLIANT BRAVE GENIUS!

( quote of the day )
It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.
Kurt Cobain

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