Thursday 28 May 2009

what a DAY!

Oh today is interesting! I watched Barcelona v Man.Utd, no I'm not fond of them. I support Arsenal, but that match was fantastic! Barcelona is the winner, yeah I'd prefer Barca by the way.

So, I dreamt and my dream was so WEIRD.
It was about me, yaya and injas. We were driving along Bintaro and found 'Bakso Bakwan Iis Dahlia'..... don't ask. So we ate that bakso bakwan and then, injas told me
I : "i, mobil lo disini aja pulangnya sama gue"
A : "hah emang lo naik apa?"
I : "dijemput pacar gue"
yeah, and we went to the car there was a boy with eyeliner, emo style called him Guyliner.
G : "Njas, ini disini mobilnya"
I : "oh iya"
A : (berbicara dalam hati, itukah pacar injas?)

OKAY it was weird enough, but theeeeeeeeeeeen the guyliner told injas
G : "ini tabungnya, nomer 3 ya"
I : "oke"
and injas shaked it , she spelled something.
A : "pacar lo mana jas?"
I : "ini lagi teleport, dia di jepang, katanya trafficnya macet"
A : "ohh, emang siapa?"
I : "Criss Angel"

I don't know why Criss Angel came to my dream, or because I'm the mind freaker.........HAHAHAH NO. Ohya, yaya didn't say anything in my dream.

Putri and Fahmi had a little fight about nonsense thing HAHAHAHAH, it was ridiculous and silly but entertaining. You can see the video when it comes up, okay?

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